How to Recognize the Presence of Termites and When to Call for Help

Many people have a visceral dislike of insects, with their alien appearance and scuttling means of movement arousing revulsion or even fear. While issues of these kinds might lead to some occasional discomfort, though, insects of certain types can do far greater harm. Some insects can even put a person’s life in danger, with poisonous stings provoking devastating immune system responses in those who are susceptible. Likewise do insects do untold amounts of property damage every year by gnawing away at wood and other materials, even to the point of undermining structural integrity.

Pest Control specialists who understand such issues and the creatures that cause them will always be best positioned to help. Knowing when to call for the services of a pest control expert, on the other hand, is one way by which others can be prepared to limit the damage that might be done. Given that termite control that happens as early in the course of an infestation as possible will always keep the damage to a minimum, this is something for which just about every homeowner can do well to become prepared.

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Oftentimes, all that it takes to get ready is to understand some basics about the insects in question. Of the several kinds of small creatures that can devour and destroy wood, termites are by far the most common and dangerous. The first signs of an infestation of such insects are often distinctive little tubes that inch up along the foundations of homes. By drawing moisture from the ground and delivering it to places farther up, these small capillary structures allow termites to feast on wood and other building materials without succumbing to deadly dehydration.

Any evidence of such tubes should provoke a response, with an immediate call to an expert generally being warranted. Another sign that termites might be settling in is the presence of flying swarms of small insects. Moving from place to place, termites once again put on a fairly distinctive show that is often all that it takes to make it clear that the assistance of an expert might be needed.

On the other hand, homeowners are also sometimes deceived by such displays. Just like termites, certain species of ants are prone to swarming in this way, and these group movements can look very similar. While such an event could well signal a need to call for some ant control, that might not turn out to be as pressing of a matter as if termites were the cause instead.

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